Sunday, January 6, 2008

Let's go for a drive.

I think that everyone has gone for a drive at least once in their life. Just like when you first got your license. Just hop in your car, get comfortable and drive with no destination in mind on some great roads. If you haven't done that lately, your missing out.

I'm lucky. I get to drive some great roads on a daily basis. Not only that, my commute is 51 miles long and I get more than my share of seat time everyday. It's great fun to challenge yourself to drive better, shift smoother, and become a more efficient, effective, and skilled driver. Feeling the car slip through a corner cleanly, nailing that apex you botched the day before, is really rewarding and makes a long commute purposeful.

Now to truly appreciate the dividends a great drive pays, I think that you must have a certain relationship with your car. Most people spend a lot of time in with car, whether most of that time is shooting apexes or sitting in traffic shooting birds. So, It's imperative to drive a car that fits your needs and desires.

My desires in a car are simple:
I want a car that performs, without compromise, that means a manual transmission. A distant second desire is a fully functional audio system because my TDI doesn't necessarily "sing" at high RPM. Also, it's gotta fit. I'm more comfortable in my car than anywhere else. There's nothing quite like cruising at 70 on the highway with my left foot on the dead pedal, left hand on the wheel, and right hand on the shifter. Not to mention a super driving play list on the iPod. I could go for hours.

This week, go for a drive. Burn a CD or take a favorite person along, and forget about all your worries for that time. Think about the car, think about your driving, open the sunroof, or convertible top and revive that driving spirit again, or experience it for the first time if you've never done it before.


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